Wedding day tips for an Aquarius Bride

It is said that no two brides would have the exact same likes but it worth mentioning that their zodiac sign does have a bit of an influence over their decisions. If you are an Aquarian, you would know that some of the key characteristics that define you are non-conformist, self- confident and spirited. You are independent and you take pride in your originality. You don’t follow the crowd and is quite zestful and energetic. So keeping all this in mind how would you go about planning your big day? Don’t worry, here are a few tips that’ll come handy on your big day.

Double Check that Guestlist

Aquarians being so energetic and zestful, get along with almost anybody. So yeah, your guest list is going to be huge. There is no way around this for you. Be prepared to meet and greet a large number of people and try to include everyone. A small “thanks for coming, hope you enjoyed.” goes a long way. Try and communicate with everyone, even if its just a tiny interaction.

Prepare a Speech

We know that you like to express yourself a lot. So let’s put that energy into a zingy speech. Prepare it with a few inside jokes and few zingers and pop it out during your reception or any other event.

Not a normal Wedding Meal

Plan your wedding meal with your significant other. You, being an Aquarian, would have the urge to put a twist on your traditional wedding meal. Go with your instincts, try out the meal with your significant other. If you like it, you got an amazing fusion wedding meal!

Embrace your Quirkiness

Express your quirkiness through your wedding dress. Pick a dress which at the same time is elegant and turns a few heads. Again, never be afraid to put a twist in the tradition for attaining your level of quirky.

Satisfy your wanderlust tendencies

We know an independent free-spirited woman like yourself would want a bit of adventure on your big day. Splurge a little and choose an exotic destination wedding. A destination wedding is likely to fulfil your soul’s wanderlust.

Party Hard

You being a sociable person, your wedding guests would obviously expect a lit wedding party. Don’t disappoint them. Try out new entertainment ideas and obviously bring in lots of booze but always drink responsibly. Give your guests a party for the ages!

And last but not least, don’t forget to have fun! All the tips don’t mean anything if you don’t have fun doing it. So let your guard down, follow these tips and have the time of your life!